Thursday, September 26, 2013


Hi Mighty Man of God!!!!

I am excited about our Fall Kick-Off.  It will be a good time of Reunion and preparation for our New Year at Mardi Gras and for our personal lives in general.  Our Theme will be more about “Legacy.”  I am very concerned that most of us never reach the potential and purpose God has designed for us.  All of us have flaws and don’t realize how necessary it is for us to live and work in a community of believers to help encourage our good things and hold us accountable for the weaknesses in our lives.  We all need each other to produce a product worthy of the Name of Jesus Christ.  The Gates of Hell can’t withstand the Kingdom of God, but it can whip the “Lone Ranger” every day of the week.

Roger Lipe will be sharing about the future on Friday night.    We will have praise and worship with the Okies and Jim Rich.

Saturday morning will be a blast as I show pictures of the past and tell stories how I received the anointing for each part. I will be sharing Saturday morning about the history of the ministry and how I got the anointing for each part.  of the things I have learned from others and have shared with many of you through our events, that some of the parts will resonate with you.

Saturday afternoon I will share the Biblical process for the “Anointing” and then have a laying on of hands and anointing with oil.  I believe “the Word will increase and that DISCIPLES WILL MULTIPLY.”  There will be enough of God to go around as He is a REWARDER of those who DILIGENTLY seek Him.

I have played the role of “Elisha” many times getting the anointing from the “Elijah’s” for all the things NGL is known for at this time.  NOW I get to play the part of “Elijah” giving double portions to those like “Elisha” that have a heart for His service.

Love ya,

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